Ensuring you consistently take the prescribed doses of your medication according to your healthcare provider's instructions is crucial for maintaining your overall well-being. Life can become complex with moving, traveling, relocating, or when your provider changes locations. We provide one-time medication renewal services to prevent interruptions of your everyday ongoing prescriptions.
Common Questions
Can any medication be refilled?
DocNP Telehealth allows you to refill once per calendar year. This can be a 30-day or 90-day prescription. This service is available for medication previously prescribed by a healthcare provider. This service is for medications that are commonly used daily. These include:
Blood pressure medications
Cholesterol-lowering medications
Diabetes medications
Birth Control
What medications can not be refilled?
There may be medications DocNP Telehealth is unable to prescribe. These include:
Medications that can not be verified.
You can upload a picture of the bottle displaying the name of the medication, dose, directions, and date last filled. If the medication bottle is unavailable, the previous pharmacy where the prescription was filled will be called to confirm. This service cannot be provided if DocNP Telehealth cannot verify the medication.​
Daily medications not taken in the last 30 days.
This does not include medications that are PRN (as needed), such as Epi-Pens.
Opioids (Narcotics) or pain medications.